EMC Scholarship

The scholarship program is open from March 1 to May 1, 2025.
(See below for instructions.)

History of the Eugene McCray Scholarship

Several years ago, in an effort to help fulfill the association’s purpose, TABCCM established the Eugene McCray Scholarship in memory of one of TABCCM’s founding fathers, the late Fort Worth City Councilmember Eugene McCray. The Eugene McCray Scholarship Committee (EMSC), composed of TABCCM members, awards at least 12 scholarships totaling at least $25,000 annually to African-American high school graduates and/or college undergraduates. The scholarship may be used for tuition or fees and must be used by May of the following school year.

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Application Requirements

The EMSC determines the recipients based upon the completed applications submitted.

To qualify, an applicant must:

  1. Applications must be submitted electronically by 11:59 p.m. on May 1st.
  2. Applications must be complete to be scored.  

Additional, detailed requirements for current High School graduates and Post-Secondary applicants are located on the electronic application.

Applications are accepted from qualified students across the state.

List of Criteria and Required Documents - Download Easy Application Checklist

Qualified high school graduate applicants must:

  1. Have at least a 2.5 GPA average on the 4.0 scale.
  2. Have been an active participant in at least two extracurricular high school activities.
  3. Have been an active participant in two church/civic activities while in high school.
  4. Submit two (2) letters of recommendation from an official of the church/civic organizations listed in #3 above. (NOTE: Letters of recommendation shall be signed and dated on official letterhead)
  5. Submit a letter of recommendation from a current member of the Texas Association of Black City Council Members.
  6. Submit a 300-word essay: Identify a problem in your city or community, propose a solution, and support your ideas with an interview. Include one quote from a local leader. (See full prompt in application)
  7. Provide a copy of your acceptance letter from the college/university you plan to attend.
  8. Submit the completed application electronically on or before May 1st.
  9. Submit an official, signed, and stamped high school transcript.
  10. Submit a 2-minute video explaining why you deserve this scholarship. (Record on your cell phone or webcam as an mp4)

Qualified Post Secondary Applicants must:

  1. Have at least a 2.5 GPA average on the 4.0 scale.
  2. Have been an active participant in at least one extracurricular college activity.
  3. Have been an active participant in one church/civic activity while in college.
  4. Submit two (2) letters of recommendation from an official of the church/civic organizations listed in #3 above. (NOTE: Letters of recommendation shall be signed and dated on official letterhead)
  5. Submit a letter of recommendation from a current member of the Texas Association of Black City Council Members.
  6. Submit a 300-word essay: Identify a problem in your city or community, propose a solution, and support your ideas with an interview. Include one quote from a local leader. (See full prompt in application)
  7. Request from the Registrar an official, signed, and stamped college transcript as documentation of successful completion of at least 12 hours in the past semester. Attach it to this entry.
  8. Submit the completed application electronically on or before May 1st.
  9. Submit a 2-minute video explaining why you deserve this scholarship. (Record on your cell phone or webcam as an mp4)

In general, the committee will make their selection based on weighting in these areas.

Therefore, all information and signatures must be provided.

  • Grades = 30%
  • Essay = 30%
  • Additional Requirements = 40%



How to Apply

This year, all applications will be applied for and submitted through our new online portal. Once you start your submission(s), you can edit it as many times as you want until you hit the “Submit Entry” button. You will not be able to make changes after you submit your application. You will not be able to edit or post new applications after the deadline.  If you have problems, contact Tristan at tristan@tml.org.  


T.J. Patterson, Sr., Annual Golf Tournament

The T.J. Patterson, Sr., Annual Golf Tournament is the association’s largest fundraiser in support of this educational effort. 

If you are interested in receiving more information about TABCCM, the Eugene McCray Scholarship, and the upcoming T.J. Patterson, Sr., Annual Golf Tournament, please contact Tristan Gideon, TML Affiliate Services Coordinator, at tristan@tml.org.